
Christian Science was discovered and founded by Mary Baker Eddy and she defined Christian Science as “the law of God, the law of good ... ” (Rudimental Divine Science p1). She’d learned that God is infinite Love, and completely good. A clear glimpse of this through prayer has power to heal and transform anyone.

Come and join us here in Chichester and find out more ...
We welcome everyone and would love for you to join us.

Please join us on the 2nd Sunday of every month, for our 11am service in our church building here, in Whyke Lane.

In-person services are also held in the Portsmouth building on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month (address 78 London Road, North End, Portsmouth PO2 9DP) at 11am.

Please feel free to contact us for a chat and/or information about our zoom activities:
Tricia on 07740 125947
Or email chichester.cs.soc@gmail.com


Services and Meeting Times

1 Whyke Ln, via Caledonian Rd
West Sussex
PO19 7UR

2nd Sunday in the month - in-person
Sunday School 11am
2nd Sunday - Childcare also available
2nd and 4th Wednesday 7pm - via zoom only
Wednesday Meeting Zoom link: Wednesday Testimony Meeting Zoom link

We support Portsmouth in person Sunday Services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, and look forward to welcoming you to any or all of these activities!

Reading Room

1 Whyke Ln, via Caledonian Rd
West Sussex
PO19 7UR
Opening Hours
Friday 11-3 every week

We also support Portsmouth Reading Room, 178 London Road, North End, Portsmouth PO2 9DP. It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 11am-3pm every week for quiet study, opportunities for sharing ideas and purchase of literature.


Sentinel Watch

Bible Lesson thought for the day


Inspirational daily lifts (audio)

Christian Science Monitor News


1 Whyke Ln, via Caledonian Rd, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7UR